From the idea to the prototype with COSEDA Technologies
For a smooth transition from idea to implementation with COSEDA Technologies

From the idea to the prototype - fast, flexible and efficient
The automotive industry is demanding sensor prototypes to test new algorithms and applications at an early stage of development. For a smooth transition from idea to implementation, Infineon has developed a new methodology.
The methodology described is currently being used by Infineon for all next-generation transmission sensors and a few other products.
The VHDL to be synthesized in the finished silicon chip can be co-simulated with the SystemC reference model to reduce the number of errors and the inspection effort. The prototype (and the finished silicon chip) can be tested on laboratory test benches and the measurement results can be easily compared with the simulation results. Virtual and real prototyping proved to be a very useful and powerful tool to verify the application requirements with simulations and actual measurements. The proposed methodology leads much faster and easier from the idea to the final implementation.